Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Workaholic? Not really

How does one starts his day? Should it be one where he grudgingly gets off of bed or one where he looks forward to meeting life's daily grind?

I'm not so sure, but I'm more along the lines of the latter.

Really, that is something that bothers me on some days. The meaning of life, the future, as well as my dreams, maybe all of these play a big role in shaping my current behavior. Still, that should not be a reason to act all doom and gloom, right?

I just probably need a little more inspiration. In my line of work, I really need it. To rephrase Edison, it's "1% percent perspiration and 99% inspiration".

Monday, November 12, 2012

Dreaming to Work

Sometimes, waking up in the morning can be a real pain. But what is even more painful is waking up early in the morning, going back to sleep again, and dreaming that you're already at work!
Wouldn't that be a nightmare?

Just imagine the trouble you'll get yourself into.

Moral lesson: keep two alarm clocks handy. you can never tell when you need to strike twice to wake up.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Word Wrangling 101: Cleave

This commonly-used word in English, the type you hear from the mouths of politicians to the sounds of woodworkers, is a good lesson in semantics.

The word ‘cleave’ is unique among the commonly-used words in the English language because it has two different, and entirely opposite, meanings. The first meaning of ‘cleave’ is ‘to stick to, to adhere, to cling’. On the other hand, the second meaning of ‘cleave’ is ‘to split, to divide’.

Perhaps the evolution of the word from its German, Norse, and Greek roots got stumped by a fork in the road. Not wanting to choose either, the word decided to take both paths. That will probably explain why we ended up with an English word with opposite meanings.

Trivial? Well, I’ll have to agree. But isn’t it true that words like these makes learning English all the more interesting?

Thursday, September 20, 2012


To those reading this post, I formally welcome you all. My name is MJ Mata, and this is my blog.

Although this isn't my first blog, this is actually my first in terms of my passion: writing. It may be a surprise for some who know me and my background, but this is who I am, and this is what I believe I'm good at.

Writing is an adventure for me, and this is something I truly value in my daily life. For me, the destination is not the main point. I will get there, someday. But what I truly value is the trip itself. Writing, and all its accompanying rules and standards, have its unique quirks that I really find interesting. And perhaps, as I go along, you might find something that will interest you as well.

So come with me in this journey.